Brexit – British Exit from the EU (European Union)


Current Politics  |  Brexit  |  Independence  |  Intro to GovernmentKey People in Politics  |  Political Parties
Latest News on Brexit  |  New & Interesting Events  |  Current Issues in the Scottish Parliament  |  Brexit - the Divorce Process  |  Brexit - the 2016 Referendum  | The Journey to a 2nd Independence Referendum  |  The 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum  |  History of the Modern Scottish Independence Movement  |  Scottish Declaration of Independence  |  Links to Independence Websites  |  Political Comedy

In the 2016 Brexit Referendum the majority of Scotland voted to stay in the EU.  As it stands now (Oct 2019) Scotland enjoys the freedom of movement by its citizens to and from all EU countries.  Scotland also enjoys free trade (no tariffs/taxes) between EU countries in addition to other benefits in law and economics by being a part of the EU.  Brexit will put an end to this relationship causing a major distruption and downturn in the Scottish economy by the lost of trade and jobs. 

In June 2016, a UK-wide Brexit Referendum was held with the UK as a whole voting to leave the EU (European Union). Scotland as a whole did not vote to leave, voting 62% to stay in the EU. In the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum, Unionist (anti-independence) heavily promoted the idea that a "NO" vote against independence was a vote to REMAIN in the European Union (EU) and a "YES" vote for independence would remove Scotland from the EU. This was proven before and after the 2014 referendum to be a lie and pure propaganda, but the Unionist (anti-independence) controlled the BBC and newspapers and this false
idea had already done serious damage to the YES for Independence campaign. Political analysts believe this to be the main reason why Scottish voters voted 55.3% "NO" against Scottish Independence in 2014. Now after 2016, with the UK as a whole planning to leaving the EU, and Scotland never wanting to leave -- Brexit is giving a resurgence to a second independence referendum in which Scotland can choose to remain a part of the EU.



Latest Brexit Storm News
Latest events on the Brexit crash, the Brexit political storm, the Brexit mess, or whatever you want to call it...
Exit Deadline is Now: January 31, 2020 (or Dec 1 or Jan 1).
Before it was October 31, 2019 and March 2019.
[ what is Brexit, more about it ]

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The Brexit Effect on the Breaking Up of the UK Union
Brexit has caused deep divisions within the UK. There has been an increasing call for independence in Scotland and Wales.  In Northern Ireland there are possible Brexit implications of a breakdown of peace and the talk of re-unification with Ireland.
♦  Some 40 per cent of Welsh voters are now ‘indy-curious’  [Nov 9 2019]

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Brexit - The Divorce Process
What is Brexit? What is the European Union? Dive into the Details and Main Issues.
Original EU Exit date was
extended from March 2019 to October 31st to NOW January 31, 2020

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Brexit - The 2016 Referendum

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Brexit Political Comedy
Oh Yes! The Brexit Mess has been so bad it was an easy target for comedians.

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Specific Articles of Note:

♣ April 29, 2019 "Brexit Could Be Turning the Tide for Scottish Independence" - The New Republic (US)
"In closing remarks Sunday, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that the Scottish Parliament will be advancing new legislation on an independence referendum next month, hoping to give Scotland the second opportunity in five years to leave the United Kingdom."
