The Scottish American website shares my journey of discovery in my Scottish heritage, study in Scottish History, and in connecting with the people, politics, and culture of modern Scotland.
Flower of Scotland (adopted National Anthem)
lyrics, about the song, Battle of Bannockburn
— about 'Scotland the Brave' song
I grew up hearing vague stories that we might be Irish and/or Scottish, but I was never told anything specific. In 2018, with the help of an uncle who did all the hard genealogy work for me, I found out the actual details of my Scottish ancestry. All I can say is Wow! The details went back to the founding of Scotland (House of MacAlpin, Dunkeld, and Canmore), further back to include founding of the Kingdom of Dal Riata, and even more further back to the founding of ancient Ireland. Wow! The news was like being hit by a truck... in a good way - LOL - it was very impactful and a major event in my life. Learn More.
April 6, 2020 is the 700th Anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish Declaration of Independence signed on April 6, 1320 by Robert the Bruce and Scottish Nobles. It is remembered each year in the United States, every April 6th as "National Tartan Day." In 1997, the U.S. Senate formally recognized the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath as the model for the American Declaration of Independence. One third of the American Founding Fathers were from Scottish ancestry, including Thomas Jefferson who authored the Declaration of Independence.
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The Scottish Independence Movement
One of the most fascinating and inspiring current political and historical events currently taking place in Scotland is the resurgence of a movement for independence from England as being a part of a United Kingdom. I can say that as a Scottish-American I am proud of the awakening that is happening politically in Scotland. Every people, every nation, have a duty to govern themselves in order to provide the best government for their people. This is a right and it is a duty.
CLICK HERE for the Indy Page.
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